TGIF: The TidBit Post

I apologize. This week has zoomed by with such tornado force that I neglected to blog for an entire seven days. Seven days! That’s like… a year at Catford Manor, yah? Maybe not… but it certainly felt like it. I don’t know if you missed reading, but I certainly missed writing.

I’m happy to say the reasons for my Blogosphere Silence are good reasons. Strong reasons. And beautifully foundational reasons. And I (95%) don’t feel guilty about this time otherwise well spent. The other 5% is that control-freak-oh-my-gosh-I’m-gonna-die-if-I-don’t-write-this-out attitude that infiltrates every fiber of my being, every hour of every … read the rest. . .

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Today I’m Going to Read

The TV subscription is cancelled. It’s not my favorite moment, and I’m looking forward to a few months down the road when I can afford to resubscribe. But since I’m having trouble paying even just my regular bills, I can’t see my way around paying for TV and not paying, say, the telephone bill or car insurance.

Instead, we spent yesterday watching DVDs that we haven’t seen for a while. Then I delighted myself with Season 1, Disc 1 of FLASHPOINT. Not just any DVD, either. This one is special. This one came straight from the producers in Toronto. I’m … read the rest. . .

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My Bucket List for June, 2012

I know, I know… life is most certainly going to get in the way…

But still…it’s nice to have a few things on the To-Do List, right?
Here’s the start of my List for June, 2012:

  • Celebrate Dot & Friends’ Graduation.
  • Blog every day.
  • Write at least an hour every day on the Big Projects.
  • Get a job. A good job. A really good, permanent, well-paying, room-for-advancement job.
  • Cook each day from The Unemployment Cookbook.
  • Order the next print run for The Unemployment Cookbook.
  • Write at least three short stories to submit to contests, competitions, and magazines.
  • Get caught up
read the rest. . .
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Self / Public / ation

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

That’s not a typo… this blog title really is Self slash Public slash ation. Well, the first two parts stand alone. The last? I guess you call that an emphasis, the uniter.

Part One: Self.

I’m stubborn. I love my stability and my structured schedule. I’m set in my ways. I’m okay with change, even if it hasn’t been anticipated… as long as it’s not drastic. I’m old-fashioned, and set in my ways. Yeah, I’m a real catch for a go-with-the-flow kinda crowd. (*please tell me you get the sarcasm, here).

I look for stories … read the rest. . .

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