Win a Week at a West Coast Time Share

So. Y’all know I’m a Trekaroo Superoo, right? I get to write reviews for family-friendly based activities, restaurants, and destinations. I’m loving it. I haven’t received a sponsored assignment yet, but I’m so okay with that. Because I love writing reviews. Even if they’re based out of my own little town.

Another reason I love Trekaroo is the giveaways they offer every week with their Monday Madness. This week is no different. But it is. This week is a doozy. A week-long stay at a west coast timeshare through

Now, I’m not affiliated with this giveaway. Which is good. … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

I’m a Trekaroo Superoo!

You know those moments that you think, well, I missed that boat by a mile, and so you quit thinking about the trip? Yeah. So that happened.

Last year when I was otherwise unemployed but had a great amount of time available, I began writing short reviews for Trekaroo. You know Trekaroo. I’ve mentioned them here and there.

So after a few reviews, I received an email. Would I like to become a Superoo? A sponsored reviewer. Well, heck. I get to write. I get to travel (even locally). And they give me an outlet for my creative musings? Who … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: