Sep 24, 2012 |
On the heels of a completely reorganized kitchen and staying up late because I was the only one in the house (Yes, I realize I’m no longer a teenager. Thank you for reminding me!), this morning I slept past my alarm and awoke only when the Scrub Jays shouted in celebration. They found the food I’d set out for them last night!
They were gracious enough to let me sit nearby and take these photos:
The Hummingbirds flew away before I could photograph them, but I just love the look of the feeder against the house and sky.
I … read the rest. . .
Feb 11, 2012 |
You remember the random post from last November when a bird wouldn’t let my daughter back into the house? I finally found out what kind of bird that was!
It’s called a Dark-Eyed Junco. And I found it while spending a couple hours online looking at bird photos and information.
You’ll recall my dismay joy at the fox my Mom saw in her yard? And a few days later a new hawk started hanging around? Let me be clear: my mother does not live on a farm. Our homes are exactly one mile from each other. We have the same … read the rest. . .