I’m Moving – Please Resubscribe!

by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)

Hey Peeps!

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy during the current crazy coronavirus crisis. (Say that five times fast!) [No. Seriously. I double-dog dare you, and post it on social media. No prize awarded for your participation, unfortunately.]

Well, I’m dropping a line here to let y’all know that, like so much in life, a change is gonna come. (Cue Otis Redding.)

I’ve been quietly working on my other website, mollyjorealy.com, and while it’s not full-on ready for eyes, pretty soon I’ll be moving content from Frankly, My Dear … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Subscribe by Email!

You’ve seen it. Every website you visit has that little box enticing you to leave your email address so you can get great content delivered to your inbox. Well, here at Frankly, My Dear… it’s no different (sorry).

Just recently I signed up with MailChimp to format and deliver newsletters.

This is more than just posting on the Blog each day. These newsletters will be filled with updates, recipes, and content not always posted on Frankly, My Dear… of course, they will highlight some of our more popular posts as well.

Next month’s issue is already being planned. … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: