TGIF: March 15, 2013

It’s TGIF time. It always seems to work out that when I’ve been blog-absent and finally have much to say, it’s a TGIF post. I like that. Blog and I, we work well together.

And believe me, I have oh-so-much to say. The first is, I’m learning how to not say everything. As a writer, I’m a bit cavalier with my words. That’s not always a good thing. I see a story everywhere, but that doesn’t mean I should tell it. Some stories aren’t mine to tell. Others are mine, but not worth telling. Still more are shared stories, and … read the rest. . .

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Remember the Good Days

As I start this, I just know it will end up on Shell’s “Pour Your Heart Out” Page. I’m thankful for her keeping that weekly link up open so I can spill my emotional vomit and not be the only one doing it. Misery loves company, right?

Okay, so it’s not all miserable. But it’s a lot of what I can’t, or won’t, normally write. Today’s post is about life. And death. And a few things in between.

The last week has been a mixture of endurance, sorrow, mourning, and sickness. The details don’t really matter. My Blog friend, Jenn, … read the rest. . .

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You’re Gonna Make It After All.

I have a huge affinity for Mary Tyler Moore; especially the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

I was born in Minnesota, but soon we moved to Michigan. When we returned in my youth for a cousin’s wedding, Dad took great pride in driving us through the intersection at Nicollet Mall and 7th Avenue. I remember being a young girl in the back of the car as he pointed out the exact spot where Mary stood and tossed her hat: a sign of confident independence. I was enthralled. (She’s one of the reasons I love hats so much!)

I grew up with … read the rest. . .

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What If I’m Not Good Enough?

What if I’m Not Good Enough? This question haunts me every day. Why haven’t I achieved my dreams, my goals?  What if I have the wrong dreams? What if I’m not good enough to accomplish that which I live for?

Everyone says, “All things in good time,” or some sappy rendition of that sentiment. But what if that’s not it? What if the reason is not because it’s not the right time, but rather, because I’m the wrong person?

Why do I run from the Open Door instead of going through it? Why am I hesitant to grab the … read the rest. . .

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A Work in Progress

It’s 10:30 p.m. and I just now realized I don’t have a post ready for tomorrow.

Well, what can I say? I’ve been busy today.

I played the Wii.
I ate birthday cake.
I snuggled with my cat.
I spent a lot of back-and-forth with my graphic designer for the new company logo.
I watched some TV.
I ate pizza.
I fed the birds.

And I had a friend do a drive-by hugging.

Dot cleaned the house in such a wonderful fashion. She really did herself in. Because now I know she’s totally capable of this kind of cleaning. *Insert read the rest. . .

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