What a different a week makes.

Fridays are quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. This Friday, in particular, is one that I intend to treasure and enjoy.

Two weeks ago I bared my soul to God. One week ago I wrote about it. Today, I’m banking my first paycheck in a year and a half.

It’s small. My first three days’ worth of work. But it’s so much more than that.

It’s a purpose. A taxable contribution to society. A means to an end. I get to socialize, help people, crunch numbers, work with computers, and have a … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


Today, for the first time in so very long, I am breathing a bit better than I have. Today (Thursday), I received a call I’ve been waiting for: I start a new job on Monday. I went to the office today to sign documents and pick up the Office Manual to re-introduce myself to the work.

The work itself is insignificant for the purpose of this post. What is important, is that I am finding my footing somewhere between elation and anxiety. I’m not one to publicly display my fears any deeper than voicing a minor concern. And there are … read the rest. . .

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Writing Doesn’t Pay the Bills. Yet.

Writing is what I do best. It doesn’t always show through on my blog (although I want it to!), but I write every day. And when I give it my all, it shows.

But it still doesn’t pay the bills. Yet.

I love that word, yet.

And I know that someday, my writing will have yet another Big Before and After moment. I’m just not there…


It’s been over a year since I lost my job, and in my human nature, I tend to get down and negative about the way of the world. I try not to, … read the rest. . .

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A Job is Not Just a Paycheck (and Other Observations of Employment)

I still don’t have a day job. It’s been just over six months since my boss decided he couldn’t afford to keep me. And since I don’t publicly vent, that’s all you get on that subject.

I’ve been unemployed before. I’m a legal secretary. A licensed insurance agent. I’ve worked for large corporations and sole practitioners. I’m excellent at sales, customer service, administrative duties and, no surprise, communications.

But I can’t seem to find a job. So I’m praying for income. Which is not the same thing.

A job is something you do to earn a paycheck. Income is money … read the rest. . .

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