Apr 19, 2012 |
Recently, I was asked what my writing style is. That’s a loaded question! Because it’s not just one question. Those four seemingly innocuous words, “What’s your writing style?” mean so much more than that. More often than not, they’re asked by someone who is trying to find their own style, a new writer who may think there’s a right and wrong way to write.
Asking, “What’s your writing style?” more often than not means, “I’ve heard this and read that. I’m having trouble formulating my thoughts and my story isn’t flowing as well as I’d like. I’m looking for ideas. … read the rest. . .
Nov 17, 2011 |
I’ve known Claudia for years. What I didn’t know, until I started blogging last year, is that she also likes to write. Accordingly, she likes to read. And, bonus!, she likes to read my blog.
Recently, she sent me this email:
“Blogging everyday is impressive, and it’s also one of the reasons I enjoy your blog. I subscribe to a few others, but posts often are few and far between so I lose interest. I like that yours comes everyday, and the funny thing is that your title alone makes me happy. I love that you call it “Frankly, … read the rest. . .
Oct 29, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Okay, I’m not one to go all in about spirits and things. I believe there are supernatural forces, but as a Christian, and a scaredy-cat, I ignore; nay, resist, such topics.
Most of the time.
Just over two weeks ago, I journaled about the death of my mentor.
We weren’t that close. He was someone I respected as a writer and creator. He encouraged and inspired me to continue in my own writing endeavors. Big words for what boils down to: I like what he said and did, and he saw potential in me.
And … read the rest. . .