Feb 20, 2018 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
So, this thing happened. Actually, a lot of things happened. And I quit writing. #truestory.
Now, as Al Gansky often says, “You can quit anytime you want. You just can’t stay quit.” Easy for you to say, Pops.
But I wasn’t ready to unquit. I wasn’t ready to put on my Big Girl pants and move forward. I was ready to drown my sorrows in a nice vat of sweet tea.
I was pretty much embroiled in a two-week, flu-and-medication induced, nobody-really-cares-about-NOLA pity party. Uhm, yeah. I’d collected about four rejection letters from agents and … read the rest. . .
Sep 1, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
True story. I’m on the phone with SuperGirl ~ our weekly two-hour catch-up call ~ and she says . . . Wait for it. Get this.
She says, “I don’t know if I’m going to Blue Ridge next year.”
MoJoWriterGirlsays “Say, whhaaat?!”
Of course, Blue Ridge isn’t Blue Ridge without my posse. And I’m super happy because during the interview for my now-you-know-about-it new career, I told them straight up, I need a week in May. I’m already committed to being out of state. They nodded. They approved.
So. Girlfriend. If I’m going, you’re going. … read the rest. . .
May 18, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I really, really want to dance in a fountain with my girls. Y’all know what I’m talking about: The opening credits to that wonderful, iconic TV show FRIENDS. Three guys, three girls. Dancing, playing, having fun.
Some weeks ago I was enjoying conversation with my Mississippi bestie, whom we’ll call SuperGirl, and my Georgia bestie, whom we’ll call Paige. Yes, that Paige, of Paige’s Plantation Part One.
In the course of conversation, guided heavily by our love for all things coincidental and identifiable, I happened to mention my current binging of FRIENDS on Netflix. … read the rest. . .
Jun 3, 2016 |
Confession time: I haven’t known how to say everything I need to say. Pretty soon I’ll be rebranding the blog with a stronger focus on social media, writing, and editing. But now and then, I’ll still have some emo to share.
Like this post . . .
Y’all remember the suitcase I picked up a few months ago? [Read: “Oh, The Place You’ll Go!”]
First it took me to Seattle. [Read: FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Seattle.]
And starting two weeks ago it kept me company at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
Since returning, my peeps have been … read the rest. . .
May 29, 2016 |
Hey y’all (I said “y’all,” y’all!)!
I’m back from my second year at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
Was is everything I hoped it to be? Yes and no.
Yes, because there was much to learn, more to affirm, and an abundance of camaraderie.
No, because in this midst of all that, there were some treasured folk that were deeply missed.
I’ll tell y’all about it later (I said “y’all” again!), but this post is about what I learned about social media. In particular, it’s about one post that taught me about social media.
You see, there’s … read the rest. . .