1. Movies will never be as good as books.
2. Friends are as important as family.
3. There’s more to life than a paycheck, or lack thereof.
4. However, a paycheck can make life a little easier.
5. God is in control. Always.
6. God may not provide in the way I want, but always in the way I need.
7. Some of my most important friends are the ones I haven’t physically met yet.
8. It’s always colder in winter. This should not be news.
9. Laptop chargers are awesome.
10. Social media should not be a place to publicly vent a private matter.
11. Books are best in hardcopy.
12. Deep red is one of the best colors ever.
13. Classical music will never go out of style.
14. Christmas Spirit should be year-round. Christmas decorating, apparently, should not.
15. Thanksgiving is an attitude, not a day.
16. I may not be perfect; but I’m the perfect Me at this moment in time.
17. Chocolate covered orange jellies are bliss.
18. Crescent rolls are very versatile.
19. Midnight movie premieres are incredibly fun.
20. The morning after… notsomuch.
21. Blogging is a job.
22. Sometimes this job doesn’t pay enough.
23. Sometimes this job pays bonuses.
24. My child will always be my child, no matter how old she gets.
25. My mommy will always be my mommy, no matter how old I get.