
Just in case you missed them, here’s a rundown of recent important posts. Just click on each link for more information:

The Unemployment Cookbook Giveaway

Mojo Book Review and a GIVEAWAY: “Carmen of the Golden Coast”

“Give Us This Day…”: How I learned to feel secure with what I have.

Meal Memo in a Jar: A new way to plan meals for a month.

Inspired by Jenn of “…so this is love…”, I’m thinking up different ideas for a link up: A theme that I can make a blog badge for and have other bloggers share and … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Today I’m Getting a Nesco Food Dehydrator and Corned Beef and Cabbage and a Chocolate Cherry Cake

I’m getting a food dehydrator today for my birthday.

I know I’m getting it, because my family asked, “What would you like for your birthday?”

And I said, “I would like a Nesco food dehydrator for my birthday.”

And a few weeks ago I dropped the “for my birthday” from that statement and my family became concerned that I might get it myself and they’d have to come up with some other gift idea, so they told me, “Don’t get a Nesco food dehydrator before your birthday.”

And when I asked “Why shouldn’t I get a Nesco food dehydrator before … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Meal Memo – Another Week

I’m learning more about our eating and spending habits with my new Meal Memo in a Jar dinner plan.

First, you can’t guarantee that even with certain foods on the menu, that’s what we’ll be hungry for; but our new motto is “Eat what’s on your plate!”.

Second, I need to add “fast” memos for the days when I’m too tired to cook. (What? You really believed I was SuperWoman?!) Foods like Little Ceasar’s $5 Hot-n-Ready, or a frozen skillet meal from Stouffer’s. Those super quick and easy and filling foods. But I should only allow one per week. I’ve … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: