You remember my writing partner, Megan, right?

Well, today’s her birthday! And of course I couldn’t let the day pass without publicly acknowledging what she means to me.

She is my Personal Barista

She understands Disney better than anyone else
She brings Lord of the Rings to the Table
(that is, the Writing Table… it really inspires her!)
She totally gets that I’m crazy enough about Narnia to make a room for it
She’s the other half of The New Inklings writing group.

She started her own blog to support me with mine…
The Fairest One of All

But she actually has a life outside the laptop, so her last post was in November.

She tried watching FLASHPOINT for me,
and lets me talk about Ed and Spike like they’re real.

She understands

My three-hour writing limit
My need for caffeine
My multi-taskiness
and the ability to plot while cleaning.

She gets me.
I even have a Pinterest board dedicated just to her
so when we have writing inspirations, we can link up that way.

And because she also puts up with me
and the idiosyncricies that befall a writer,

She deserves the


Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday, Dear Megan!
Happy Birthday to You!

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

"These Are a Few of My Favorite Things"
Lessons Learned: The Louie Edition
Sweeten my tea and share: