Or, as I call it with my Minnesotan accent, “N’Orleeeens.”
This past week I’ve been infatuated with the Big Easy. I’m working on a short story idea that came to me a few months ago. And Megan introduced me to Oak Alley Plantation online. The photos are so… mesmerizing. Transforming. Enticing. Haunting.
So guess what. This Girl is now fantasizing about a trip down south. Not that it could happen any time soon (unless I win the lotto, which hasn’t happened yet). But still, it’s fun to plan.
I can taste the Mint Juleps. Smell the tobacco fields. Hear the jazz beats and slow drawls. Feel the humidity. And see the characters.
I even created a new Pinterest board last night: “N’Orleans“. Have I mentioned that I love Pinterest? It makes virtual travel so much more fun. Within five minutes, I had nearly fifty pins: buildings, streets, music, people, Mardi Gras, food… so much inspiration.
Indeed, I think I may make a new career for myself: the Pinterest Travel Guide. Tell me where you want to go, and I’ll pin so many ideas and create some wonderful itineraries for you and your travel guests. Yup. That’s my new calling. I’m almost sure of it.
And now if you’ll excuse me, I have some pinning writing to do.
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!