Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? What made it nice for you? Was it the food? The family time? The shopping? Or the R&R before the busyness really kicks in?

Ours was a little mix of everything, and it was the best we’ve have in a very long time. Our home is decorated, I’ve been working hard on the Blog all day, and Dot has been able to see her friends who are home from college for the weekend.

Sometimes I think we’re the Bailey’s. You know, George Bailey from IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE. One of my favorite Christmas movies. There’s just something about George as he struggles to come to terms with failed dreams, only to realize his reality is far more fulfilling.

My reality is far more fulfilling than my failed dreams, and it keeps leading to the fulfillment of many more authentic goals. There are unreached hopes, but there is still Hope. There are a great many challenges, but the ability to climb those mountains.

It’s a bit symbolic of my Favorite Christmas Mug.

My Favorite Mug

Dot gave me this mug nearly ten years ago. I love it. Every year, I take it from the recesses of the Special Cabinet and enjoy the first Christmas Mocha in it. This year after my first and only use, I discovered cracking in the bottom that allowed dishwater to seep in and weaken its structure. Thankfully, I realized it before the mug shattered. It’s now relegated to being my Favorite Unusable Mug, and will forever be enshrined with our Holiday Decor. I will treasure it always; how it came as a gift of love, held nourishment and offered entertainment, and now is something forever beautiful to look at. Perhaps I’ll fill it with candy canes, or just plastic holly berries. It’s changed and compromised; but I’ll never discard it. It will serve a new purpose.

I treasure this Holiday season so deeply. For the past several years, that Holiday Spirit has eluded us, hidden in the shadows and been cast aside when it tried to enter. This year, it burst through on its own, completely captivating us with its magic.

Dot’s Tree

I can’t possibly explain how or why. I just know that this year, with all it’s scattered family and reduced budgets is still going to be the best Christmas we’ve had in a very long time.

I wish a multitude of the same to you and yours, no matter what or how you celebrate.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

“What’s the Word?” Wednesdays is a link-up that allows other bloggers and readers to share whatever they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with some great friends. What’s going on in your world? Tell us all about it!

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So, c’mon. Join the conversation. After all, a great coffee date is one where everyone gets to chat, dontcha think?


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