by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Frankly, My Dear . . . : 3 is the Key
Ever wonder why you see the same ad on TV during every commercial break for your half hour show? Studies show your audience is more apt to trust you and your service or product after three notices. The same is true for your social media presence.

Frankly, My Dear . . . : 3 is the Key
First, build your relationship. This is where you show more interest in knowing your audience than marketing your product or service. Second, show up again. Like a friend who invited them to coffee and follows through. Or that phone call you said you’d make. Just let them know you’re still in the wings. Third, remind them what you have to offer. This can be as subtle as adding your business name to a photo or meme, or a full-blown statement of what you or your company can do for them.

Frankly, My Dear . . . : 3 is the Key
You can change it up a little, but keep the theme of your message the same. Remember, you don’t want to drown your audience in redundancy. Your primary goal should be building relationships. And all healthy relationships are a two-way street. Get their attention. Maintain their attention. Offer them what they need. They always say third time’s the charm.

Frankly, My Dear . . . : 3 is the Key
TWEET THIS: Your #audience is more apt to pay attention after you’ve shared your message 3x. @RealMojo68 #socialmedia
With a three-day weekend and a social media calendar,
Happy relating!
~Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Good post, Molly. My high school English teacher taught me about the magic in the #3. She said that’s why we learn the 5-paragraph essay with its introduction, body of 3 paragraphs, and conclusion.
That does make sense.
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