by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

So, there’s a bit of a disconnect sometimes when I tell peeps I work with social media. I’m not saying my mom is gonna flash onto to Facebook or so many people will suddenly make my posts go viral. (Although, if it’s for positive reasons, I ain’t gonna lie: That’d be okay with me.)

While I love helping y’all grow your internet presence, there’s one thing you gotta do both on and off the wires: Ya gotta network.

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Social Media Saturday

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Social Media Saturday

With the new day job I get to attend weekly Chamber of Commerce meetings. My city is one of several in the area, but the only that doesn’t limit our meetings to just a monthly luncheon. Ain’t that sweet!

And at these meetings, we, well, meet. We do the Grip & Grin. The Meet & Greet. The Hi & Hug. However you want to say it, we each go out of our way to connect with those around us.

Social media is the same thing. You have to extend a hand in order for others to have something to hold on to. You can’t grow your online presence, your reputation, or your friends list, just by sitting stagnant.


One of the best things you can do is to reach out to others and let them know how your presence benefits their day. Whether it’s in person or online, your peeps want to know they matter.

And since I want you to know YOU matter, I’m opening up the comments on this post for all y’all to share your links. (Please note that comments will be moderated. They must be your personal or professional links. Any extraneous or inappropriate comments and links will be deleted, and commenter may be blocked. Check back frequently to follow your fellow commenters.)

Ain’t that just a slice of peach pie for your coffee?

TWEET THIS: #SocialMedia Saturday: It’s All About Your #Network @MollyJoRealy

With a large coffee and a like button,
Happy following!
~Molly Jo

And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!

Frankly, On Faith: Pray Without Ceasing
Five Things Friday: My Favorite Magazines
Sweeten my tea and share: