by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Social Media Saturday

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Social Media Saturday

It happens. There you are, at the local coffee shop typing out tweets and you realize you clicked “Tweet” when you meant to click “Cancel.” Or you shared that superfluous snapshot on Instagram.

Hey, it happens. If we’re not drowning in our multi-tasking, we’re not living. Right?

You share so many different topics that nobody knows anything about you except your platform’s multiple personality disorder.


It happens.

So, on the in-depth heels of last week’s Social Media Saturday, this week offers tips on how you can funnel down to what’s important to your followers, and to you.

  1. Take a survey. Give your readers the opportunity to tell you what they like and don’t like.
  2. Follow the score. Watch your analytics. Amplify what works (#coffee, #amwriting), and pare down what doesn’t (#hashtagsthatnobodyelseknows).
  3. Post photos of kittens. Seriously. This totally gets attention. Every time.
  4. Share more. Make sure your posts are distributed frequently over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.
  5. Share less. Don’t give up every aspect of your personal life. Your readers don’t have Smell-O-Vision so step-by-step recipe photos are only necessary to show how something’s done, not look-how-each-layer-builds-upon-itself. Unless you’re making Hamburger Pie. Then it’s totally okay.
  6. Make a list. Check it twice. Keep a short list of topics and make sure your posts fall under those categories. It’s easy to want to share every aspect of life with your peeps, but save that for your private page with friends. Your followers are a little hungry for what your posts can do for them. So offer tips on what they follow you for: writing, Faith sharing, learning Italian, cooking, how to drink coffee without spilling, that sort of thing.
  7. Do a Self-Inventory. This is in line with 2 and 6 above. Find out which topics people are most responsive to. Make sure they’re at the top of your list moving forward. If you post nine times about coffee and only get one reaction [I know. I’m laughing, too], then maybe it’s time to switch to afternoon tea. Or lasagna. #foodie

How do you find focus on your social media?

TWEET THIS: How do you find focus on your social media? @MollyJoRealy #socialmedia

And Frankly, My Dear . . . : That’s all she wrote!

Frankly, On Faith: Give Thanks
Five Things Friday: November in California
Sweeten my tea and share: