I need a favor.

Dear Reader,

We’ve been through a lot, you and I. You’ve read from the beginning when Frankly, My Dear . . . started out as a diary of a sort of social experiment, then grew.

First I learned to crawl, then walk, and threw in with some nifty vocabulary lessons.

It’s been over four years of fun, drama, food, family, life, death, everything and nothing. And y’all have stuck with me like melted cheese on a hot spoon.

You’ve been there as I started New Inklings Press. You supported my fundraising for The Unemployment Cookbook and #MoJoDoingTheWriteThing.

You’ve been read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

But I’m not good enough to attend a Christian writers conference. . .

A few days ago I did something I wasn’t sure I could do, for a variety of reasons: I registered to attend the Orange County Christian Writers Conference in April.

My friend and writing mentor, Aaron Gansky, is a featured speaker and while I always value the information he gives, there are several other sessions I’m looking forward to being a part of.

This will be the second writers conference I’ve attended. Ever. This one is different from the first one I attended last November. That one was local, and there were three consecutive sessions in the same auditorium. I … read the rest. . .

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A Website and A Wish

My web-designer updated my website this weekend. That’s New Inklings Press’s website, not the blog.

I’m very excited. The changes are subtle but specific.

You can now link to my Amazon page, and individual product, from the home page. You can read about upcoming projects and our authors. And of course, you can still shop directly.

Which is a good thing, because I have 75 copies of the THE UNEMPLOYMENT COOKBOOK, Second Edition. Remember when you followed last year’s journey to get it published, and how you said to yourself, “I need to order.” or “This would make a … read the rest. . .

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My Amazon Author’s Page

Amazon is synonymous with sales, especially books. The great part is, Amazon makes it easy for authors of all sorts to share their stories. In particular, I’m in love with their Author’s Pages. A person can share as little or as much as they like, and link to their most important social media networks.

Publishing eBooks for Kindle download is just as easy. Once you have the finished draft, a quick upload is all it takes to get started.

You can check out my Amazon Author’s Page here. It contains all the aforementioned goodies, and more.

Now that I’m … read the rest. . .

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A few months ago, I proudly yet humbly debuted A STUDY ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as my first eBook. It’s available for Kindle download through Amazon (click here) for only $2.99.

This past week, regardless of topic, my posts have each held the elements of Faith and Prayer.

I have been abundantly blessed by God and those He’s placed around me.

It’s with joy and honor that I’m paying it forward and offering A STUDY ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS for free on August 8th and 9th.

Just click on the photo above to be taken to the Amazon … read the rest. . .

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