Jan 17, 2018 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Hey. It happens.
So, the funny thing is, I teach people to find what their brand is and stick with it.
- What do people appreciate the most about you?
- What are your strengths?
- What are you most comfortable doing/teaching/sharing?
- What makes you happy?
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like … Oh, wait. Sorry. Sinatra in my head. [Note to self: Take the fedora off the shelf.] Ahem. What I was saying was, I sort of took my own advice … and tossed it aside. But like a well-tossed … read the rest. . .
Sep 20, 2017 |
By Beckie Lindsey @BeckieLindsey_
It amazes me how I can go from praising the Lord while singing along with Christian music in my car, to yelling at the person who cut me off—almost simultaneously. But sometimes I react and then regret.
The second half of the scenario plays out like this: The driver who angered me speeds by, oblivious to my plight. The music begins to fade into the background and finally disappear. Now I’m left with an onslaught of negative, harassing thoughts like, What kind of Christian are you? You’re such a phony! A loser. “Real” Christians don’t have … read the rest. . .
Aug 22, 2017 |
by Beckie Lindsey @BeckieLindsey_
One of the hottest topics in our culture today is fake news. Obviously, not all news is fake. At the same time, not everything we hear and read is true. It goes without saying the importance of knowing the difference between what is authentic and what is counterfeit.
The United States Secret Service advises the best way to guard against the threat of accepting counterfeit currency, is to become more familiar with authentic currency.
The same concept can be applied to our walk with God.
The Bible states that God Himself is truth.
Jesus said,
… read the rest. . .
Aug 18, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
We’ve been doing the Five Things Friday posts for a while now. A start, a stop, a hiccup, but now we’re steady at it. I’ve enjoyed your topic suggestions and comments on these posts.
Recently, someone asked what my five favorite posts on FMD are. Y’all are smart. You already know where this is going. Of course, I could list twenty or possibly a hundred. So choosing my five favorite posts is a bit of a challenge. thankyouverymuchforthesuggestionyouknowwhoyouare.
And I’m betting once I hit “publish” I’m going to think up five other posts that could … read the rest. . .
Jul 25, 2017 |
Welcome Beckie Lindsey to Frankly, My Dear. I’ve known this strong woman since she messaged me three years ago. “Can I pick your brain on writing? I’ll buy you a Starbucks.” I pretty much offered to let her move into my study if she supplies coffee regularly. Our friendship developed and is still maintained through a mutual bond of writing, God, cats, and yes, coffee. I’m pleased as punch to have been the first editor on her soon-to-be published Beauties for Ashes, and invited her to share her faith with us.
By Beckie Lindsey @LindseyBeckie
I have a confession … read the rest. . .