Better in 2014: Blogging

I realize the title of this post may seem oxymoronic, given that my posts are few and far between lately. This is true, but it’s not true.

I’m not blogging as often as I used to, which means the posts I do write had better be of better quality. Notice the repetitive word, better? Flash back to my Word of the Year post. This is the year when I take what I already have and make it better.

Today’s post is going to be the start of a series on blogging. I’ve been honored to have several people ask … read the rest. . .

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TGIF: The TidBit Post

I apologize. This week has zoomed by with such tornado force that I neglected to blog for an entire seven days. Seven days! That’s like… a year at Catford Manor, yah? Maybe not… but it certainly felt like it. I don’t know if you missed reading, but I certainly missed writing.

I’m happy to say the reasons for my Blogosphere Silence are good reasons. Strong reasons. And beautifully foundational reasons. And I (95%) don’t feel guilty about this time otherwise well spent. The other 5% is that control-freak-oh-my-gosh-I’m-gonna-die-if-I-don’t-write-this-out attitude that infiltrates every fiber of my being, every hour of every … read the rest. . .

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Blogging Basics: Why?

Recently I’ve been asked by several people to offer guidance on starting a blog. Apparently, I’m doing something right, if people are coming to me for inspiration.

Let’s face it: there’s a lot of blogs out there. It’s hard to know which ones to emulate, imitate, or eliminate. I like that Frankly, My Dear… is a “small” blog: by that I mean, it’s still personal. It’s a two-person operation. My web designer fixes the glitches and comes up with some amazing designs. I dream, create, cook, craft, photograph and write.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to have thousands … read the rest. . .

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Win a Week at a West Coast Time Share

So. Y’all know I’m a Trekaroo Superoo, right? I get to write reviews for family-friendly based activities, restaurants, and destinations. I’m loving it. I haven’t received a sponsored assignment yet, but I’m so okay with that. Because I love writing reviews. Even if they’re based out of my own little town.

Another reason I love Trekaroo is the giveaways they offer every week with their Monday Madness. This week is no different. But it is. This week is a doozy. A week-long stay at a west coast timeshare through

Now, I’m not affiliated with this giveaway. Which is good. … read the rest. . .

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What Kind of Writer Am I?

Yesterday I was on the phone with my web designer [read: know-it-all brother who does this for a living and is graciously helping out his sister who knows nothing about behind-the-scenes maintenance].

It was the first time someone explained SEO to me in terms I could understand. My blog just isn’t getting the popularity I need it to. Granted, my efforts have been more toward my bigger writing projects like The Unemployment Cookbook and Amara’s Light. So when I haven’t understood SEO or how to promote the Blog in a better fashion, I’ve been okay with that, knowing someday … read the rest. . .

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