Mar 25, 2012 |
Congratulations to Charlene of The Babbling Baby, our winner in the Mojo Book Review and GIVEAWAY for Madeline Brandeis’ “Carmen of the Golden Coast”.

Charlene won with her mandatory entry, stating what her favorite childhood book was and why:
“My favorite book as a child was Alexander and The Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I have no idea why I liked it so much. Probably because I could relate, after all who hasn’t had one of THOSE days. Plus, it was amusing, I loved his threat to move to Australia :)
Other favorites were the Little House … read the rest. . .
Mar 19, 2012 |
Just in case you missed them, here’s a rundown of recent important posts. Just click on each link for more information:
The Unemployment Cookbook Giveaway
Mojo Book Review and a GIVEAWAY: “Carmen of the Golden Coast”
“Give Us This Day…”: How I learned to feel secure with what I have.
Meal Memo in a Jar: A new way to plan meals for a month.
Inspired by Jenn of “…so this is love…”, I’m thinking up different ideas for a link up: A theme that I can make a blog badge for and have other bloggers share and … read the rest. . .
Mar 16, 2012 |
Forgive me, I’m new to the Giveaway scene and I forgot a few things:
1. If you follow/tweet/pin, please leave a comment on the Mojo Book Review and GIVEAWAY post telling me you did so. Leave a separate comment for each activity.
2. Remember that those additional entries don’t count unless you leave a comment on the Giveaway post telling me what your favorite childhood book was and why.
You must follow these two guidelines for your entries to count.
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!
… read the rest. . .
Mar 16, 2012 |
This is another children’s book from long ago. The copy I have was printed in 1935 and belonged to my mother.
I love this book. It centers on a little girl who discovers history and adventure as she travels the West Coast. The inside covers show a hand-drawn map that indicates the important locations from the book. Actual photographs of places and actors posing as the book’s characters give credence to Carmen’s journey.

This is one in a series of books by Brandeis called “Children of All Lands” wherein Brandeis delivers wonderful writing detailing the heritage of a particular nation … read the rest. . .