Oct 21, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Are you serving up your media with flavor?
I know, you’re thinking, “What the heck is that?!”
Lemme tell ya with an example.
We all (okay, not all-all, but mostly-all) like coffee. But we don’t all like it the same way.
I sometimes take my coffee flavored. I sometimes drink it black.
ELF takes his with sugar.
Gibbs takes his coffee with coffee. (He’s Gibbs. He can do whatever he wants.)
The thing is, when it comes to reaching your audience, you need to think of yourself as a barista. You can serve … read the rest. . .
Sep 29, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Let’s just start by agreeing any celebration that includes coffee is awesome, am I right? I mean, I celebrate every day with coffee. But to actually have an official reason? Have mercy!
I’m an experiential person. That means I don’t just go through life, I live it. Fully, wonderfully, scarefully (is that even a word?). I feel it, my body absorbs it, my mind is constantly processing and connecting dots. And, yes. Sometimes making up the dots to connect.
But coffee. It’s just perfect. In celebration of National Coffee Day, here are some … read the rest. . .
May 18, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I really, really want to dance in a fountain with my girls. Y’all know what I’m talking about: The opening credits to that wonderful, iconic TV show FRIENDS. Three guys, three girls. Dancing, playing, having fun.
Some weeks ago I was enjoying conversation with my Mississippi bestie, whom we’ll call SuperGirl, and my Georgia bestie, whom we’ll call Paige. Yes, that Paige, of Paige’s Plantation Part One.
In the course of conversation, guided heavily by our love for all things coincidental and identifiable, I happened to mention my current binging of FRIENDS on Netflix. … read the rest. . .
Feb 9, 2017 |
Jacqueline Patterson’s Key to Success
by Jacqueline Patterson @jacpatterson
“The more we work to help others,
the more we begin to enjoy the life we’re living.”
I raised my heavy-lidded gaze from the laptop screen and the quote on the coffee cup stared back at me. Like I really have time!
My eyes shifted to the blinking light on the phone, the sure indication that yet more messages were waiting for me.
I couldn’t take care of the rest of the world.
I turned my phone so I could no longer see the blinking light.
I had too much to … read the rest. . .
Dec 12, 2015 |
The gift giving season is upon us and there’s always that one person who’s difficult to buy for. Am I right? And usually, it’s the write person. (See what I did there?)
On this week’s upcoming Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’re talking about that very subject. Over the last week, we (and by we, I mean Aaron, Al, and myself, along with our merry media elves) have posed this question:
What’s a great gift to get the author in your life?
While I don’t want to give away the store (err, answers) here, I thought I’d at least share … read the rest. . .