Do You See What I See (in my Garden)?

Remember about six weeks ago when I brought home some vegetation that looked promising? And then it didn’t?

Well, with some hard work, cooperating weather (less heat), and some Miracle-Gro and water, my crops are starting to, well, crop.

It took a full month of delicate, tedious care and prayer, and now my three plants are beginning to bear food. The tomato plant already blessed us with two beefsteak tomatoes last week, but I thought that would be all for this year.

Until this morning. I went out to diligently water, and in my pruning, peeking, and pouring, I found … read the rest. . .

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Nature Walk – June 11, 2012

[This post is inspired by Ann at Doodles and Jots. I just love her amazing nature photography!]

Since Dot and I walked the mile to my Mom’s house today, I thought I’d also work on my photography skills at the same time.

Dot’s much more creative than I am, but I’m happy with what I’ve captured. I guess I thought the walk would be just asphalt and stop signs. But with a lens in my hand, I saw much more.

As we left our own yard, I was so excited to see my Eggplant start to revive and even … read the rest. . .

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Recipe: Slow Cooker Ratatouille

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

I’m the first to admit, whenever I hear “Ratatouille” I think of Remy the Rat and Alfredo Linguini from the Disney movie. That is, in fact, what inspired my first attempt at making this dish.

This dish is super easy, super cheap, and super delicious. It can be eaten as a main dish with bread sticks, or tossed onto pasta. I add the cooked veggies onto crust and sauce for a homemade pizza. It freezes great, and reheats in the microwave. However you choose, enjoy!

1 medium eggplant
2 medium zucchini
2 cups … read the rest. . .

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