Jun 16, 2015 |
Before leaving Blue Ridge, we were cautioned.
“Once you leave the mountaintop,
there’s only one way to go ~
Into the valley.”
~Alton Gansky, Final Keynote Speaker,
We were told what we learned was to be shared. We were being sent out to be springs in the desert, which in my case is quite literal.
As wonderful as the Blue Ridge experience was, as foundational as these new friendships have proven to be, coming home was hard. Reconnecting to the world I left behind was difficult.
I’ve been trying to make sense of the blender in … read the rest. . .
Jun 14, 2015 |
Mewwo. Mom’s been busy so she hasn’t let me blog for a while. What’s up with that? She leaves in the morning and sometimes is gone until long after dark. She dances around singing things like “I’m Too Sexy For My Cat”. Excuse me? Should I take that personally?
And get this ~ she got the idea to let me blog . . . from a dog. A dog! Now, I’m all about making friends, and I’m sure Charlie Bear is nice and all that. I mean, he doesn’t look too big. In fact, he’s a little like the human … read the rest. . .
Apr 7, 2012 |
After a lack of response [read: not enough “likes” and “followers”] I cancelled the Cookbook giveaway.
Well, that caused a slight commotion for those of you who do follow and like.
So. Here I am. Apologizing for the shake-up. And offering you three ~ yes, three ~ chances to win your own autographed copy of The Unemployment Cookbook.
Previously, the rules stated that once I reached a certain amount of likes/followers, I’d use Random.org to pick the lucky winners. Unfortunately, I’m nowhere near the likes/follows that I’d wanted.
So I’m changing the rules accordingly:
1. The giveaway will end at … read the rest. . .