October is a beautiful month, isn’t it? Full of crisp air, sweaters out of storage, leaves changing colors and crunching under your feet. The start of the holiday season before the holiday rush. I think October is my favorite month.

On Facebook, I asked “What are some of your favorite fall/harvest moments?” Each reply was unique to the individual commenter, but there was one running theme: pumpkin. It seems pumpkin everything is what gets people most excited about October.

Each year I share this photo. It was taken by a friend about ten years ago. We were at the local … read the rest. . .

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Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Betty Crocker

What could be easier than making a drop cookie? How ’bout making a drop cookie from a mix? That’s right, you heard me. Today I took the easy way out and used a pre-mix for our cookies. And you know what? I’d do it again!

Who hasn’t heard of Betty Crocker? Their product is a staple in almost any kitchen. And with the busyness of the upcoming Holiday season, they’re definitely invited to my house any time.

I started the mix by hand, but soon realized my KitchenAid could do it better.

After lining the cookie sheets with parchment paper, … read the rest. . .

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