Oct 10, 2014 |
I love blogging. I love sharing my little bits and pieces of the world with you. And I love reading other blogs, too.
Today’s Five Things Friday is about some of my favorite blogs.
1. To start with, today I’m the featured guest blogger over at Things They Can’t Say.

So click on the badge to read how I’m not ready to be an empty-nester. It was a hard post for me to write, because I wanted to get it just right. I’m still not sure anyone else will cry when they read it, but maybe if Dot reads it, … read the rest. . .
May 15, 2013 |
Yesterday I was on the phone with my web designer [read: know-it-all brother who does this for a living and is graciously helping out his sister who knows nothing about behind-the-scenes maintenance].
It was the first time someone explained SEO to me in terms I could understand. My blog just isn’t getting the popularity I need it to. Granted, my efforts have been more toward my bigger writing projects like The Unemployment Cookbook and Amara’s Light. So when I haven’t understood SEO or how to promote the Blog in a better fashion, I’ve been okay with that, knowing someday … read the rest. . .
Jun 27, 2012 |
You really should read some of the stories over at Shell’s link up. This was only the second time I linked up. I added this morning’s post, “What’s the Word?” Wednesdays: Blog Hop because her topic and mine are similar. But she has a way of writing that inspires me. It’s so heartfelt, so honest. Like she’s opening the doors to her house and allowing us to snoop in her medicine cabinet.
I want to be that transparent. But I’m just not. Partly because my family doesn’t really want me writing about them (go figure), but partly because I guess … read the rest. . .