MoJo Says: Five Ways Counting Kittens Can Boost Your Blog Traffic

For realz. Who doesn’t love photos of cute kittens? (Which begs the question: Are there ever any ugly kittens? I think not.) And better ratings? And smart, helpful people? Those social bees will be swarming all over for a piece of this sweet pie.

Just like with books on the bookstore shelf, a post on the blog is competing with many more like it. The reality is titles are the money-maker. You could have found the cure for the common cold, but unless your title gets the reader’s attention, no one else will benefit from your wisdom.

Hooking your readers … read the rest. . .

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Another Post About Pinterest.

I’ve written about Pinterest before.

I introduced you to This Thing Called Pinterest. I wrote an open letter about Pinning to Dear Pinners….

I’ve shared with you my own Pinterest account, and updated when I create new boards.

Today I discovered that not all my own Pins were linked accurately. Of course, as a blogger/writer, it’s important that my articles are attached to the Pins I create for them. So I spent about thirty minutes reviewing and correcting. It wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was a little fun seeing Pins from months ago that I’d forgotten about.… read the rest. . .

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