The Unemployment Cookbook: Hot Dog Casserole

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Looks deelicious, doesn’t it? That thar’ cover is an honest photo, taken in the test kitchens for New Inklings Press. Okay, not really. It was taken by my brother, but he is a professional photographer, and he did format the cookbook for me way back when. So, kudos to for some amazing work, yah?

I was thumbing through the Cookbook tonight and realized I haven’t posted a recipe for a while. So, in Nippers’ commentary fashion, I give you our feature story, the Hot Dog Casserole.

The Unemployment Cookbook: Hot Dog Casserole
read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday: My Favorite Cookbooks

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Pretend this is real paper and you’re reading my scribble: As I’m prepping this blog post, my Mississippi Bestie Cara Pearson called and gushed about the great cookbooks she picked up at a used bookstore for about five cents each. And then she has the nerve to ask if I’ve ever seen the movie Julie & Julia. Please, girl. You know that’s what started me on my blog journey. Now I love her and all, but that’s just rubbing it in, dontcha think? Rub. Dry rub. That’s right! We’re talking about cookbooks today. Grab read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday: Frankly, Favorites

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

We’ve been doing the Five Things Friday posts for a while now. A start, a stop, a hiccup, but now we’re steady at it. I’ve enjoyed your topic suggestions and comments on these posts.

Recently, someone asked what my five favorite posts on FMD are. Y’all are smart. You already know where this is going. Of course, I could list twenty or possibly a hundred. So choosing my five favorite posts is a bit of a challenge. thankyouverymuchforthesuggestionyouknowwhoyouare.

And I’m betting once I hit “publish” I’m going to think up five other posts that could … read the rest. . .

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The Unemployment Cookbook: Potato Chip Casserole

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

What’s on my plate this week? Well, y’all voted and results are 2-to-1 in favor of Andouille Jambalaya.

Just kidding! You already know what’s on my plate, because you voted for potato chip casserole!

Now, the original version is found in The Unemployment Cookbook, but as you can probably tell by the photo above, BEE The Zebra is not about to let Nippers have all the redoux fun.

BEE likes to get crazy creative in the kitchen (say that five times fast!), and he also likes to add some sass to everything he touches. … read the rest. . .

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The Unemployment Cookbook: Hamburger Pie

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

So, there’s this cookbook on my shelf and a poll on Facebook . . .

Last week y’all voted, and Hamburger Pie won the election!

This has always been one of my favorite meals since I was young. It’s hearty, savory, and just look at all those mashed potatoes!

Now, you can use fresh ingredients if you want to. My schedule requires something just a little easier, so I opt for the ready-to-use product.

Have I shared this with you before? Well, it’s worth another helping, dontcha think?

Seven ingredients. Six steps. One big serving … read the rest. . .

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