A Job is Not Just a Paycheck (and Other Observations of Employment)

I still don’t have a day job. It’s been just over six months since my boss decided he couldn’t afford to keep me. And since I don’t publicly vent, that’s all you get on that subject.

I’ve been unemployed before. I’m a legal secretary. A licensed insurance agent. I’ve worked for large corporations and sole practitioners. I’m excellent at sales, customer service, administrative duties and, no surprise, communications.

But I can’t seem to find a job. So I’m praying for income. Which is not the same thing.

A job is something you do to earn a paycheck. Income is money … read the rest. . .

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Slowing Down to Get Ahead

Almost everyone’s familiar with the Tortoise and the Hare: that arrogant, got-it-all rabbit taunting the always-trudging turtle in a race to the finish. In the end of course is the predictable winner: the turtle. Why? Because he kept at it. Whereas the rabbit thought he was so far ahead he could chill out, relax, goof off. Well too much partying left him in the dust and that little turtle kept on trucking and made it through the challenges to cross that winning line first.

I think sometimes I’m that turtle. There are so many people that not only know what … read the rest. . .

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The other day I was driving on Main Street when I came upon a slow moving car, following a slow bulldozer trying to make its way in traffic. The three of us, and others, stopped in line for a red light.

That’s when I saw it.

The license plate.

The vanity plate.

It wasn’t anything special. And it took me a moment to figure it out.

And then I realized. I’ve seen that plate before. On a different vehicle. Years ago.

And then I realized…

It must be driven by one of them. A member of that family; hisread the rest. . .

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