The Unemployment Cookbook: Hamburger Pie

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

So, there’s this cookbook on my shelf and a poll on Facebook . . .

Last week y’all voted, and Hamburger Pie won the election!

This has always been one of my favorite meals since I was young. It’s hearty, savory, and just look at all those mashed potatoes!

Now, you can use fresh ingredients if you want to. My schedule requires something just a little easier, so I opt for the ready-to-use product.

Have I shared this with you before? Well, it’s worth another helping, dontcha think?

Seven ingredients. Six steps. One big serving … read the rest. . .

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Everything Old is New Again. Again.

Remember when this happened, the first time?

And how my love for all things baseball and community and movie quotes blended together to restructure FMD some years ago?

Well, folks. That paint is peeling. So guess what.

Are y’all ready for this?

All those old adages keep circling through my mind.

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Hey, guys. Here’s the deal. I’m so stinkin’ excited (and it’s so stinkin’ late) I can’t concentrate.

So here’s another deal. Things are changing. But they’re staying the same.

Pretty soon you’re gonna see a new layout here at … read the rest. . .

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Crowdfunding Your Way to Success

After my peeps joined my campaign to bring Raven to Bedford Manor [Translation: When my family and friends supported my fundraiser to buy a new laptop], I was approached by several friends and associates who asked for advice on crowdfunding.

Now, before I get into all that, I need to let y’all in on a not-so-secret. I’ve been pursuing knowledge this year like never before. I’ve attended conferences, used Google like a best friend, and sought information from anyone willing to share it.

And I’ve learned that I’ve already learned a lot. It’s time to use my knowledge. It’s time … read the rest. . .

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My friends and I are huge fans of superheroes. Who isn’t, really? We love talking smack about who’s favorite could take on the others favorites. We drool in wait for new comic books to be released. I’m sure that’s a little more than some of you wanted to know about me, and I may have just lost a few cool points. That’s okay. I’ll get over it.

This week’s Five Things Friday is all about Superheroes: Who they are, how to be one. It’s pretty, well, if you’ll pardon the pun, super.

1. This video clip from Grey’s Anatomy is … read the rest. . .

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October is a beautiful month, isn’t it? Full of crisp air, sweaters out of storage, leaves changing colors and crunching under your feet. The start of the holiday season before the holiday rush. I think October is my favorite month.

On Facebook, I asked “What are some of your favorite fall/harvest moments?” Each reply was unique to the individual commenter, but there was one running theme: pumpkin. It seems pumpkin everything is what gets people most excited about October.

Each year I share this photo. It was taken by a friend about ten years ago. We were at the local … read the rest. . .

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