Win a Week at a West Coast Time Share

So. Y’all know I’m a Trekaroo Superoo, right? I get to write reviews for family-friendly based activities, restaurants, and destinations. I’m loving it. I haven’t received a sponsored assignment yet, but I’m so okay with that. Because I love writing reviews. Even if they’re based out of my own little town.

Another reason I love Trekaroo is the giveaways they offer every week with their Monday Madness. This week is no different. But it is. This week is a doozy. A week-long stay at a west coast timeshare through

Now, I’m not affiliated with this giveaway. Which is good. … read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday – TRAVEL

Two weeks ago I posted the first of what I hope to be a long running series, The Friday Five. Once or twice a month you can share Five Things about yourself.

With Memorial Day just around the corner bringing with it the start of summer, this week’s theme is about Travel. Have some amazing travel memories or a trip on your bucket list? Share them here. Be sure to check back often and encourage your friends to add their own Friday Five!

And now, the Mojo Friday Five Things: My Travel.

1. I love all things Italy. Even … read the rest. . .

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I’m a Trekaroo Superoo!

You know those moments that you think, well, I missed that boat by a mile, and so you quit thinking about the trip? Yeah. So that happened.

Last year when I was otherwise unemployed but had a great amount of time available, I began writing short reviews for Trekaroo. You know Trekaroo. I’ve mentioned them here and there.

So after a few reviews, I received an email. Would I like to become a Superoo? A sponsored reviewer. Well, heck. I get to write. I get to travel (even locally). And they give me an outlet for my creative musings? Who … read the rest. . .

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The Real Reason I Didn’t Write Today

I could give you a litany of writer’s excuses… too distracted, too busy, too lazy, writer’s block, no inspiration…

But the real reason I didn’t have a post for Friday is this:

I managed to aggravate my early-onset arthritis with the yard work I did on Wednesday, and as you can see, typing has been a bit difficult for me.

Tomorrow I’ll be back in business, complete with a Trekaroo review of the local Pumpkin Patch. That’s where this photo was taken years ago. It reminded me so much of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, that I had to get … read the rest. . .

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My Trekaroo Reviews


Remember a few months ago I started posting reviews on Trekaroo?

You don’t?! Well, that’s okay.

Because I’m here to remind you.

Trekaroo is an online guide written by parents for parents. The perks and problems of traveling with children of all ages. They have great contests every week. [Read how I won a trip to Myrtle Beach.]

Think travel has to mean pack ’em up and head ’em out? Not true! Even if you’re just looking for a two-hour play date in the next town, you can find reviews on Trekaroo… and if you can’t, add your … read the rest. . .

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