It happened again. I couldn’t understand someone on the phone. There was a language barrier. And because I tried to explain I don’t speak their language, they reported to my Boss that I’m “racist”.
In the same week, a local business accused my Boss of training racists because we didn’t stand up for them in what was clearly an issue that didn’t involve us.
It bothered me. It bothered me a lot. It bothered me because I don’t understand why I’m expected to be someone I’m not, and how someone else’s issues have become my responsibility.
I love helping people. I really do. I’m The Girl who feeds the homeless and smiles to make a sad stranger feel better. I can’t write murder-mysteries because I don’t know how to get that gritty. I don’t brag about my Good Deeds because that’s between me and whoever and I don’t do things to earn Worldly Brownie Points.
Yes, I make mistakes. No, I’m not perfect.
I am a Good Person.
And for someone to suggest otherwise is like a cold, steely dagger gutting me. It’s painful. And confusing.
It goes deeper than a personal attack on me. I’ve noticed a tendency of certain types of people to feel “entitled”. There is not one group or ethnicity or culture that does it. Rather, it’s individuals. Just as some people are born with brown eyes or some students grasp math over English. Some people are unable to take responsibility for their own actions, responses, and thought processes.
And because of that, I’ve been labeled “racist”.
I don’t speak a second language. If a phone connection is not very clear, I have a hard time with the conversation. When people mumble, I don’t hear. And I politely say, “I’m sorry; I’m having a hard time understanding you.”
And because of that, I’ve been labeled “racist”.
I’m not hear to argue “If you’re in my country, speak my language”. That only goes so far. When I finally have a passport and money to travel the world, I won’t be able to learn 26 different languages. I’ll try to speak Italian and get past the baroque of the Irish. I’ll carry my Berlitz interpretive dictionaries. I’ll be thankful for the natives who will help me. And I’ll understand when they say they can’t understand me.
But I won’t call them “racist”.
I am a Person. An individual. I do the best I can, and I believe that most others do, too.
I don’t believe any class of people is less important to the World than another. I believe individuals make choices, and at times are unable to make responsible choices.
That doesn’t make me “racist”.
Does it?
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!
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I am so sorry to read this. As a receptionist, I have to deal with callers I can’t understand all the time. I just do my best, and I am sure you did the same thing. Some callers are just off the hook. I have aggressive callers who become irate over the weirdest things. One screamed and called me very bad names because he KNEW he spoke to a Mr. so and so. I calmly explained it wasn’t possible that he was no longer with us. He kept it up. I said nicely, ” I am sorry, he is deceased” since the 80’s. He continued that I was a blank blank and he spoke to him “yesterday”. I eventually just hung up. I I hope you have a good boss who knows that sometimes people hid behind their phone for so many issues. I only speak English, so I do the best I can. MOST people are good I believe, but the ones who aren’t make the job hard.
Winnie recently posted..Father’s Day
See, Winnie, you understand! It’s definitely difficult when people are so certain they’re being mistreated, and I’ve learned that many of them will not admit it nor offer apologies. I also only speak English, which can be detrimental at times, but I try to do the best I can! I wish you well with your job and such people.
That is so frustrating. I hope you boss understands. I think some people take out their frustrations innaproprately calling businesses. Glad you shared.
Thanks, Ann. My boss did understand; she’d spoken with the same people herself. I shouldn’t let it get to me so much.
I am so sorry this happened. Some folks (of all races and backgrounds) just find it necessary to see the worst in people. Don’t let them get to you!
Tamara T. recently posted..Failure
Thanks, Tamara. I agree. And I still believe there are more Good people than Bad, and even good people can have bad moments.
Molly Jo recently posted..I Still Love FLASHPOINT.
No, it certainly does not make you a racist.
William Kendall recently posted..True Patriot Maple Syrup
Thank you, William. I appreciate the support.
Molly Jo recently posted..RECIPE: Independence Day Cupcakes
That doesn’t make you a racist, but I think sometimes people can be very sensitive about it, especially if English is not their first language. There have been several times when I have been on the phone with a customer service rep and I have had a hard time getting my point across or getting the help I needed because I couldn’t understand them. I felt very bad, but when you’re not used to the accent, it can sometimes be difficult to understand what they are trying to say.
MakintheBacon recently posted..Don’t Blame Overprivileged Rich Kids, but Don’t Blame Their Parents Either
Thank you for stopping by, and for your kind words!